I'm finally getting around to posting this daily devotional we are doing together. I have created this plan using a book series called Growing Strong in God's Family by the Navigators ministry. It is Book 1 (of 3) in the New 2:7 Series.
When Iivo and I were young and newly married, we completed the original 2:7 Series over the course of two years while meeting weekly with a group of folks from our church. It was life-transforming stuff, and we've always appreciated the solid foundation it gave us for our Christian walks.
This time around, I've broken up the studies--originally designed for use in a small group with weekly "homework assignments" by chapter--into 15-minute chunks for use as a daily devotional. Our whole family is doing the studies, which are a bit challenging for the ten-year-old, but she's managing. On Saturdays, we meet together as a family to discuss the previous week's material.
With permission* from the people at NavPress, I am reproducing the study plan I've extracted from the lessons here, in case anyone wants to join us in this adventure. If you'd like a copy of this document to be emailed to you as a Word attachment, please send a request to ParksidePedagogy@gmail.com.
Daily Devotional Schedule
(15 minutes per day)
Each day you will:
1. Open with prayer. Ask the Lord to bless your time together in His Word. Ask Him to teach you, to direct you, and to grow your relationship during this time. Pray spontaneously, differently, each morning.
2. Complete the assigned reading and work for the day.
3. Close with prayer. Pray about whatever meaningful thing you learned or studied that morning. Commit your day to the Lord.
4. If time permits, practice your Scripture memory verses. Review 1-2 old verses then spend some time working on the new verse you are currently memorizing.
Week 1, Day 1
1. Read over the chart above.
2. Open with prayer.
3. Read “The New 2:7 Series” (bottom p.7-top p.8).
4. Read “How to Mark Your Bible as You Read” (bottom p.8-top p.9).
5. Carefully read over the passage on p.9 from Isaiah 11:1-7. Note the sample ways it was marked, but also pay attention to the content. This passage is about Jesus.
6. Respond. In your journal, write something that struck you or that you learned.
7. Close with prayer.
Week 1, Day 2
1. Open with prayer.
2. Look over the chart on p.5, entitled “Completion Record.” Briefly study the format of this chart, which you will be using as you complete Book 1.
3. Look again over the examples of how to mark your Bible as you read (pp.8-9).
4. Carefully read over the passage on p.9 from Luke 5:15-17. Note the sample ways it was marked, but also pay attention to the content.
5. Skip over to p.10 and quickly read over the passage from 1 Thess. 1:1-7, noting both the content of the passage and how it was marked. This passage is from the Amplified Bible, which offers extra explanations in parentheses within the text. This extra parenthetical information is not part of the scriptures, but is just for clarification.
6. Respond. In your journal, write something that struck you from one of the two passages you read today.
7. Close with prayer.
Week 1, Day 3
1. Open with prayer.
2. Look again over the examples of how to mark your Bible as you read (pp.8-9).
3. Read the instructions for the “Reading and Marking Exercise” (pp.10-11).
4. Taking your time—and really thinking about the passage as you read—read and mark the passage from Romans 12 (p.11). Use some of the suggested ideas about how to mark your Bible.
5. Respond. In your journal, write something that struck you or that you learned.
6. Close with prayer.
Week 1, Day 4
1. Open with prayer.
2. Read “Five Key Scripture Memory Passages” (p.11), “Choose a Translation,” and “Write the Verses on 3x5 Cards” (p.12).
3. Make your first scripture memory card (for “Assurance of Salvation” – I John 5:11-12) using the instructions on p.12.
4. Marking and/or highlighting as you go along, read the first part of the “Beginning with Christ Explanation” (pp. 12-13). Stop at the bottom of the first column on p.13.
5. Respond. In your journal, write something that struck you or that you learned.
6. Close with prayer.
7. Work on your Scripture memory, if time permits.
Week 1, Day 5
1. Open with prayer.
2. Whenever I read an article, I circle all scripture references, underline any important ideas, place a star in the margin of particularly striking or important sentences, etc. As you read, you should do whatever will help you get the most from your reading and/or help you find key passages or concepts quickly when you look back again over the reading.
3. Go back over what you read yesterday in the “Beginning with Christ Explanation” if you need to mark it better than you did.
4. Continue reading and marking the article. Stop at the end of Section 2 on p.14, entitled “Assurance of Answered Prayer.”
5. Respond. Thank God for these truths regarding assurance of salvation and answered prayer.
6. Close with prayer.
7. Work on your Scripture memory, if time permits.
Each day you will:
1. Open with prayer. Ask the Lord to bless your time together in His Word. Ask Him to teach you, to direct you, and to grow your relationship during this time. Pray spontaneously, differently, each morning.
2. Complete the assigned reading and work for the day.
3. Close with prayer. Pray about whatever meaningful thing you learned or studied that morning. Commit your day to the Lord.
4. If time permits, practice your Scripture memory verses. Review 1-2 old verses then spend some time working on the new verse you are currently memorizing.
Week 2, Day 1
1. Open with prayer.
2. Briefly skim over the sections from the “Beginning with Christ Explanation” which you read last week (assurance of salvation and answered prayer, p.14).
3. Go on to read and mark sections 2-5 on the other “assurances”—victory, forgiveness, and guidance (pp.14-15).
4. Respond. Thank God for each of these truths regarding salvation, answered prayer, victory, forgiveness, and guidance.
5. Close with prayer.
6. Work on your Scripture memory, if time permits.
Week 2, Day 2
1. Open with prayer.
2. Read “Introduction to Bible Study” (pp.17-18).
3. Begin the “Beginning with Christ Bible Study” on p.18. Use your NIV Study Bible for this study. Complete questions 1-2 (p.18).
4. Respond. In your journal, write something that struck you or that you learned.
5. Read “How to Memorize a Verse Effectively” (pp.15-16). Spend some time working on your Scripture memory verse.
6. Close with prayer.
Week 2, Day 3
1. Open with prayer.
2. Continue with the “Beginning with Christ Bible Study.” Complete questions 3-9 (p.19).
3. Respond. In your journal, write something that struck you or that you learned.
4. Close with prayer.
5. Work on your Scripture memory, if time permits.
Week 2, Day 4
1. Open with prayer.
2. Continue with the “Beginning with Christ Bible Study.” Complete questions 10-13 (pp.19-20).
3. Respond. In your journal, write something that struck you or that you learned.
4. Close with prayer.
5. Work on your Scripture memory, if time permits.
Week 2, Day 5
1. Open with prayer.
2. Continue with the “Beginning with Christ Bible Study.” Complete questions 14-17 (pp.20-21).
3. Respond. Thank God for these promises and assurances in your life. In your journal, write something that struck you or that you learned.
4. Close with prayer.
5. Work on your Scripture memory, if time permits.
Each day you will:
1. Open with prayer. Ask the Lord to bless your time together in His Word. Ask Him to teach you, to direct you, and to grow your relationship during this time. Pray spontaneously, differently, each morning.
2. Complete the assigned reading and work for the day.
3. Close with prayer. Pray about whatever meaningful thing you learned or studied that morning. Commit your day to the Lord.
4. If time permits, practice your Scripture memory verses. Review 1-2 old verses then spend some time working on the new verse you are currently memorizing.
Week 3, Day 1
1. Open with prayer.
2. Read over the section “How to Review Memory Verses Together” (pp.22-23). It is a good idea to practice with each other daily. You will be reciting your memory verses aloud, word perfect, when we have our group gathering.
3. Make your second Scripture memory card (for “Assurance of Answered Prayer” – John 16:24) using the instructions on p.12.
4. Consider how you feel about the idea of prayer in general, and this verse in particular. What do you think it means to “ask in His name”?
5. Do you believe that God hears you when you pray, and that He will always answer you?
6. Write down some of these thoughts in your journal. Spend some time praying to God about the idea of prayer. Ask Him to help you to understand prayer better and to learn to practice prayer more as you move through this study.
7. Work on your Scripture memory, if time permits.
Week 3, Day 2
1. Open with prayer.
2. Begin reading (and marking) the article “Tyranny of the Urgent,” stopping before the section entitled Wait for Instructions… (p.24).
3. Respond. Think of some specific ways you sometimes let the “urgent” crowd out the “important” in your life. In your journal, mention these to the Lord, asking Him to direct you and lead you to the “important” in life.
4. Close with prayer.
5. Do your Scripture memory if time permits.
Week 3, Day 3
1. Open with prayer.
2. Continue reading and marking the article “Tyranny of the Urgent,” stopping before the section entitled Evaluate… (p.26).
3. Respond. In your journal, write something that struck you or that you learned.
4. Close with prayer.
5. Do your Scripture memory if time permits.
Week 3, Day 4
1. Open with prayer.
2. Finish reading and marking the article “Tyranny of the Urgent” (p.26).
3. Answer the questions at the bottom of p.27 (1-3).
4. Respond. In your journal, write something that struck you or that you learned.
5. Close with prayer.
6. Do your Scripture memory if time permits.
Week 3, Day 5
1. Open with prayer.
2. Read the introduction to the “Christ the Center Bible study” (p.28). Take time to think about the question in the box on p.28.
3. Complete questions 1-2 (pp.28-29).
4. Respond. Do you think that Christ holds the same place in your heart that He holds in the universe?
5. In your journal, write something that struck you or that you learned today.
6. Close with prayer.
7. Do your Scripture memory if time permits.
Each day you will:
1. Open with prayer. Ask the Lord to bless your time together in His Word. Ask Him to teach you, to direct you, and to grow your relationship during this time. Pray spontaneously, differently, each morning.
2. Complete the assigned reading and work for the day.
3. Close with prayer. Pray about whatever meaningful thing you learned or studied that morning. Commit your day to the Lord.
4. If time permits, practice your Scripture memory verses. Review 1-2 old verses then spend some time working on the new verse you are currently memorizing.
Week 4, Day 1
1. Open with prayer.
2. Complete questions 3-4 in the “Christ the Center Bible Study” on pp.29-30.
3. Consider the statement in the box on p.30. Define the three words present, prominent, and preeminent as used in this quotation. (You may use a dictionary if you do not understand the meanings contextually.)
4. Spend some time considering which of the three types of Christian you think you currently are. Which would you like to be?
5. Respond. In your journal, write something that struck you or that you learned.
6. Close with prayer.
7. Do your Scripture memory if time permits.
Week 4, Day 2
1. Open with prayer.
2. Complete questions 5-7 in the “Acknowledge His Lordship Bible study” on pp.30-31.
3. Briefly look over the chart at the bottom of p.31. You will spend more time with this chart tomorrow. Today just look over it.
4. Respond. In your journal, write something that struck you or that you learned.
5. Close with prayer.
6. Do your Scripture memory if time permits.
Week 4, Day 3
1. Open with prayer.
2. Vocation is defined as, “a particular occupation, business, or profession.” What is your vocation right now in life?
3. Take the entire time today considering the chart on p.31. In your book, jot down a few ideas about how you’re doing in terms of practicing the lordship of Christ in each particular area. List specific ways in which you’re doing well and specific ways in which you’re doing poorly—at least three for each area.
4. Spend some time in prayer. Talk with the Lord about the things He’s shown you today.
5. Do your Scripture memory if time permits.
Week 4, Day 4
1. Open with prayer.
2. Look over your notes from yesterday. In light of those things you listed yesterday, thoughtfully answer questions 8a and 8b on p.32.
3. Read the paragraph that follows question 8 on p.32.
4. Respond. In your journal, write down the things that struck you today.
5. Close by writing a prayer to the Lord in your journal.
6. Do your Scripture memory if time permits.
Week 4, Day 5
1. Open with prayer.
2. Continue the “Acknowledge His Lordship Bible study” by completing questions 9-11 (pp.32-33).
3. Read the “Summary” on p.33. Do you believe that last statement? Do you believe that following Christ’s ways leads to your welfare and joy?
4. In your journal, write a brief prayer to the Lord, committing to Him any areas of your life which you know are not currently fully subject to His control.
5. Close with prayer.
6. Do your Scripture memory if time permits.
Each day you will:
1. Open with prayer. Ask the Lord to bless your time together in His Word. Ask Him to teach you, to direct you, and to grow your relationship during this time. Pray spontaneously, differently, each morning.
2. Complete the assigned reading and work for the day.
3. Close with prayer. Pray about whatever meaningful thing you learned or studied that morning. Commit your day to the Lord.
4. If time permits, practice your Scripture memory verses. Review 1-2 old verses then spend some time working on the new verse you are currently memorizing.
Week 5, Day 1
1. Open with prayer.
2. Read “Where to Read in Your Bible” (p.10).
3. Read and look over “How to Use Your Personal Reading Record” (pp.33-35).
4. Commit to reading one chapter (Old or New Testament) each evening as part of your bedtime routine. Decide now which book you’ll begin with, using their suggestions on p.10.
5. Make a new memory verse card for 1 Corinthians 10:13, “Assurance of Victory,” and add it to your Scripture memory work.
6. Close with prayer.
7. Do your Scripture memory if time permits.
Week 5, Day 2
1. Open with prayer.
2. Read the quotation from Leith Samuel in the box on p.36.
3. How would you define “communion” as used in this paragraph? Do you think you have enough time in your life for fellowship with God? Why or why not?
4. Read and answer question 1 (a-d) on pp.36-37.
5. Respond. In your journal, write something that struck you or that you learned.
6. Close with prayer.
7. Do your Scripture memory if time permits.
Week 5, Day 3
1. Open with prayer.
2. Consider the example of poor communication with God which is illustrated in question 2 (pp.37-38). Do you ever find yourself handling your devotional or prayer time with God in this way?
3. Go on to read and study the illustration regarding effective communication with God (questions 3-4, pp.38-39).
4. Respond. Consider whether you have ever practiced this kind of communication with God, with time for both listening and speaking. Write any thoughts in your journal.
5. Spend some time interacting with God in prayer.
6. Do your Scripture memory if time permits.
Week 5, Day 4
1. Open with prayer.
2. Complete question #5 (p.39), looking up and reading each of the verses listed there.
3. You’ve seen that all three persons of the godhead are involved in prayer. Who do you usually think of praying to when you are praying? Remember that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all present when you pray.
4. Confess any things you’ve become aware of regarding your fellowship with God over the course of this week’s study. Ask God to help you have good fellowship with Him.
5. Do your Scripture memory if time permits.
Week 5, Day 5
1. Open with prayer.
2. Begin reading about obedience on p.40. Think about the question in the box. Does having a heart for obedience mean having to be perfect? Does it ever feel like it means this? Do you ever feel like you can’t live up to others’ expectations?
3. Read “The Foundations of Obedience” and answer questions 1-2 (pp.40-41).
4. Respond. Talk honestly with the Lord about what His desire is for your life, according to these verses.
5. Do your Scripture memory if time permits.
Each day you will:
1. Open with prayer. Ask the Lord to bless your time together in His Word. Ask Him to teach you, to direct you, and to grow your relationship during this time. Pray spontaneously, differently, each morning.
2. Complete the assigned reading and work for the day.
3. Close with prayer. Pray about whatever meaningful thing you learned or studied that morning. Commit your day to the Lord.
4. If time permits, practice your Scripture memory verses. Review 1-2 old verses then spend some time working on the new verse you are currently memorizing.
Week 6, Day 1
1. Open with prayer.
2. Read “The Practice of Obedient Living” (p.41).
3. Answer question 3 (p.41).
4. Take some time to consider the difference between temptation and sin.
5. Respond. In your journal, take some time to write out some sources of temptation in your life. Ask God to help keep you from sinning in these areas.
6. Close with prayer.
7. Do your Scripture memory if time permits.
Week 6, Day 2
1. Open with prayer.
2. Reread “The Practice of Obedient Living” (p.41).
3. Answer question 4 (p.41).
4. Read the paragraph at the bottom of p.41. Do you have any known but unconfessed sin in your life that may be hindering your fellowship with God? Take time to confess it right now, and ask God to deliver you from its power.
5. Consider if you have any broken fellowship with other people as a result of your sin. In your journal, write a plan to confess and restore relationship with each of those people God brings to mind.
6. Close with prayer.
7. Do your Scripture memory if time permits.
Week 6, Day 3
1. Open with prayer.
2. Study the illustration on p.42 regarding fellowship with God. Consider both how it is maintained and how it is restored if broken.
3. Read Psalm 32. Consider David’s words regarding confessed and unconfessed sin.
4. Answer question 5, rewriting Psalm 32:5 into your own words.
5. Respond. Ask God again to show you any areas of unconfessed sin in your life.
6. Spend some time interacting with God in prayer.
7. Do your Scripture memory if time permits.
Week 6, Day 4
1. Open with prayer.
2. Complete question #5 (p.39), looking up and reading each of the verses listed there.
3. You’ve seen that all three persons of the godhead are involved in prayer. Who do you usually think of praying to when you are praying? Remember that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all present when you pray.
4. Confess any things you’ve become aware of regarding your fellowship with God over the course of this week’s study. Ask God to help you have good fellowship with Him.
5. Do your Scripture memory if time permits.
Week 6, Day 5
1. Open with prayer.
2. Begin reading about obedience on p.40. Think about the question in the box. Does having a heart for obedience mean having to be perfect? Does it ever feel like it means this? Do you ever feel like you can’t live up to others’ expectations?
3. Read “The Foundations of Obedience” and answer questions 1-2 (pp.40-41).
4. Respond. Talk honestly with the Lord about what His desire is for your life, according to these verses.
5. Do your Scripture memory if time permits.
Each day you will:
1. Open with prayer. Ask the Lord to bless your time together in His Word. Ask Him to teach you, to direct you, and to grow your relationship during this time. Pray spontaneously, differently, each morning.
2. Complete the assigned reading and work for the day.
3. Close with prayer. Pray about whatever meaningful thing you learned or studied that morning. Commit your day to the Lord.
4. If time permits, practice your Scripture memory verses. Review 1-2 old verses then spend some time working on the new verse you are currently memorizing.
The next weeks are forthcoming...
* Adapted from Growing Strong in God’s Family, Book 1 of the New 2:7 Series, © 1999 by The Navigators. Used by permission of The Navigators Church Discipleship Ministry, Colorado Springs, CO (www.navigators.org/cdm). All rights reserved.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Elementary Civics
Okay, so when life gets busy and heavy with "issues"--which it often does when one is raising teens!--one's ability to wax philosophical about things becomes limited. But I simply must break into the spiritual, psychological, emotional stuff we've been enmeshed in to write briefly of my political outrage.
Not that anyone cares, mind you, but as an American citizen and as an educator, I am confused by the latest developments concerning the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) on the part of President Obama and his Administration. If I correctly understand the situation--which I admit it is possible I don't--where is the outcry? Why are civics and history teachers around the country not up in arms at what is happening? Are students being told? Are adults even aware? Do people even care?
A very basic presentation of the "separation of powers" and the "three branches of government" that I teach my children in the young elementary years should suffice for anyone over the age of ten to understand that what President Obama is advocating is not constitutional. He claims that he and his Attorney General have "concluded" that the DOMA is "unconstitutional"--and that they will therefore cease "to defend it." Excuse me? Did I miss something?!
At the risk of over-simplification, let me sum up the elementary civics lesson as I thought I understood it:
The U.S. Constitution gives the Judicial Branch the exclusive task and authority for ruling on the constitutionality of any given law. (Not that they always do a good job of doing so, but the task is squarely--and solely--on their shoulders!) The Constitution gives the Legislative Branch the exclusive task and authority for making such laws. And it gives the Executive Branch the exclusive task and authority for executing such laws.
So, what's up with a President who is, by decree, assuming the power to overrule the other branches of government?! The DOMA was the law of the land, passed by both houses of Congress and signed by President Clinton. Since when does the Executive Branch have the authority to "conclude" that it is unconstitutional?
Chuck Colson has some sobering thoughts on this issue:
Not that anyone cares, mind you, but as an American citizen and as an educator, I am confused by the latest developments concerning the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) on the part of President Obama and his Administration. If I correctly understand the situation--which I admit it is possible I don't--where is the outcry? Why are civics and history teachers around the country not up in arms at what is happening? Are students being told? Are adults even aware? Do people even care?
A very basic presentation of the "separation of powers" and the "three branches of government" that I teach my children in the young elementary years should suffice for anyone over the age of ten to understand that what President Obama is advocating is not constitutional. He claims that he and his Attorney General have "concluded" that the DOMA is "unconstitutional"--and that they will therefore cease "to defend it." Excuse me? Did I miss something?!
At the risk of over-simplification, let me sum up the elementary civics lesson as I thought I understood it:
The U.S. Constitution gives the Judicial Branch the exclusive task and authority for ruling on the constitutionality of any given law. (Not that they always do a good job of doing so, but the task is squarely--and solely--on their shoulders!) The Constitution gives the Legislative Branch the exclusive task and authority for making such laws. And it gives the Executive Branch the exclusive task and authority for executing such laws.
So, what's up with a President who is, by decree, assuming the power to overrule the other branches of government?! The DOMA was the law of the land, passed by both houses of Congress and signed by President Clinton. Since when does the Executive Branch have the authority to "conclude" that it is unconstitutional?
Chuck Colson has some sobering thoughts on this issue:
Friday, March 11, 2011
Optical Illusion

I'm sure that I have not "confirmed that I have the license to use this picture."
It came to me in an email. I have no idea where it came from.
So here's my favorite disclaimer poem:
I'd love to give credit where credit is due
If only I knew
So please do not sue.
Anyway, I thought it was cool how this looks like it is moving...
Let me know if you know where this came from.
By the way, I think people who design these kinds of things must be amazing.
Happy Friday!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Mongolian BBQ Fun
Welcome to Chinese Restaurant
please try your Nice Chinese Food With Chopsticks
the traditional typical of Chinese glorious history
and cultural

please try your Nice Chinese Food With Chopsticks
the traditional typical of Chinese glorious history
and cultural

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